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Summer Solstice Natural Detox

As the seasons change and signs of summer begin to appear, you might find yourself pulling out the cleaning gloves and going into refresh mode. After this retrograde passes us by, it leaves us with the notion that it's time for a start fresh.

#thehoneypot @keinmagazine
Precious Fruit

Just like in spring, we are being collectively led to clean up. We’re cleaning our spaces, our friend groups, our social intakes, saving/spending habits and our overall lives. But can we (and should we) apply the same detoxification strategy to our bodies?

*Detoxing should be discussed with your health care providers. Keep in mind that I am not a medical professional. Information on safe detoxing is easily found online. Please do your own research.*

It's time to detox, period!

Timing the start of a cleanse is crucial. Paying attention to your cycle can be key in spotting any potential health concerns. In fact, to get started, I ask you to evaluate how you've been feeling over the last 30 days. If you’re sluggish, retaining weight, breaking out, moody, or brain foggy, it could be that your estrogen is elevated. Since one of the essential jobs of your liver, which is your body’s primary detoxification organ, is to break down estrogen. Supporting it by keeping your hormonal levels balanced could be a good idea. The best time of the month to do a detox is when you’re ovulating.

Another key to a successful detox and hormonal reset is proper planning. If you are considering jumping right in, do your thang, Sis. But if you're like me and have to mentally prepare for commitment, I created a Solstice Detox checklist to give you a little heads up on what you may like to prepare prior to starting.

What you may need:

Clean eating grocery list: This list is full of clean meals and options that can help you plan your grocery shopping and detox meals. You will want to eat live foods that nourish and protect your body as opposed to things that rot and turn into toxins in the body.

The Honey Pot Products: Black owned natural products made by people with vaginas for people with vagina's. These cleansing and plant based products are created specifically to help us stay clean and maintain a healthy balance.

Yoni Steaming Herbs : A yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam, v-steam, bajo or chai-yok) provides gentle and effective support for women’s wellness. Respected by women and holistic healers around the globe, yoni steaming is the ancient practice of allowing the warmth of herbal steam to softly permeate the exterior of the vagina.

This women's treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes your center, providing you with numeral benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility and more. Yoni steaming will support your natural feminine cycle, and help you to heal, relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally. Treat yourself to this delightful self-care ritual in the comfort of your own home!

Create a wellness plan : Plan out what you think will benefit you most for this detox. I have connected a link to another article that may offer more helpful tips from the Sacred Woman Guide to Womb Wellness. Here is an example of a simple wellness plan.

Download the Calmapp : The app provides:

  • Guided practices for meditation, sleep, and more. Explore daily mindfulness exercises, from music to gentle stretching for your mind and body, led by wellness experts.

  • Immersive in-app experiences. Enjoy nature scenes and sounds for enhanced relaxation and focus.

  • Easy tracking. Track daily app use and your mood over time. Plus, set reminders for a few minutes of meditation throughout the day.

Now that we have the checklist and wellness plan in tow, we're on our way to a beautiful summer solstice detox. Notice that I did not include rules or regulations to this detox. This blog is simply meant to be a helpful guide for those of us ready to transition into a renewed and refreshed healing girl summer. Get started. Happy detoxing!

If you liked this blog and want more content like this, please leave me a comment below. For more information on Natural Womb healing and yoni steaming go back to the blog and check out previous articles OR click the photo below.

Thanks for reading, Beloved. Until next time. Peace!

Acknowledgments :

This blog features art from black artists who deserve to be mentioned as inspiration to this article.



6 commentaires

Membre inconnu
21 juin 2021

If this doesn’t speak to your mind, body, & vagina soul that I don’t know what will.

Def need a deep cleanse soon.

Membre inconnu
09 déc. 2021
En réponse à

Ase ! It’s time. Grab your herbs and a detox consultation, sis. Let’s start this year off right.


Membre inconnu
20 juin 2021

Another dope informative blog from the great one😍🙌🏾🙌🏾. I don’t have a vagina but I think everyone can apply the rules of detoxing to their own personal lives. Keep putting out the knowledge. The ppl need it. Great read

Membre inconnu
09 déc. 2021
En réponse à

Thank you, King!


Membre inconnu
20 juin 2021

Love this very informative .

Membre inconnu
09 déc. 2021
En réponse à

Thanks for reading!

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