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Divine Timing | 2020 Update

Heyyyyy Tribe! It’s been a minute since I’ve stolen away some time to connect with you all. I’ve really missed chatting with my healing tribe. I’ve been receiving all of the love that you Gods are sending me and it is sooooo appreciated. I hope this entry helps you forgive me for being M.I.A. This time I am back to stay.

2020 has been such a powerful year in so many different ways. This year felt like the most unstable rollercoaster ride ever. Still, after all of the ups and downs, we realize that all is exactly how it should be. Those hard-learned lessons were meant to unlock blockages and allow our future selves to flow more freely. At least that’s what I took from my experiences this year. So many things have changed for me in 3D and in the spiritual realm. It would be impossible to fit it all in one post but I’m going to share some of the newest updates to my “Whole Vibe.”


Ya girl is completing a 200hr YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) this year! I’m wild excited about becoming a Yoga Teacher. I’ve been doing yoga since about 2014 to heal a back injury in the military. I was not consistent at all with my practice in the beginning. A few years later, I went to a flexibility class at a pole dancing school and fell in love all over again. I have become very studious over the last few years so; while studying ancient African wisdom, Sacred Woman Guidance, Herbalism, The Kemetic Diet, Chakra Healing, Tantra, and Reiki, I had also found myself deep off into Sacred Yoga Philosophy and Tantric Yoga.

While studying yoga, it became clear that everything that I consider my spiritual work actually IS yoga. I had been doing way more than simple asanas (yoga poses). I had already been dedicated to creating space for growth and a constant connection with God, the ALL, ONENESS, the Universe, Divine Self, or whatever name you’d like to give. True to self, I wanted to do more than learn. I want to give back by learning to teach.

I will be teaching my first class next month here in Qatar.

Next, I will be offering virtual beginner classes on the website and in the Facebook Group.

Facebook Group

I just love the Sacred Woman Facebook Group that I created. It is growing so beautifully and I appreciate each and every member in there that is trying to learn and heal. The group is such an inspiration. My vision is to create a community of healed healers. Every woman that joins in and pushes the group forward is a contributing source of light that reminds me to keep healing self to keep healing healers. We will all carry this healing out into the world. It all starts with the Woman.

Running this group has been a huge lesson in itself. The passion that I have behind it could not be fueled in my current situation. We are currently reading Sacred Woman and Pussy Prayers in the group. (These books are CHANGING MY LIFE, y’all!) I haven’t been able to share with the group how impactful this journey has been for me. I think it’ll require some deeper means of connection for us to share the raise in vibrations that are happening within our SiStars. You can look forward to zoom calls and YouTube Videos in the group next. Comment your suggestions for the group if you have any. I’d love your feedback. If you’re not a part of the group - JOIN NOW.

Fenixx SiMone Digital - Behind The Scenes

This brand is more than just a digital brand and store. Fenixx SiMone Digital was birthed through healing. It was grown by DIVINITY.

In trying to find my way back to self and true love, I devoted myself to healing. Creative Expression is the path that my spirit relates to the most and that brings me the most peace. I began to create this brand based around the healing that had been helping me grow. Immediately, I began to see how helpful sharing my journey is to the light workers that I reach. The more that I heal the more individuals I connect with.

I started this company while working 60 miserable hours a week. The job contributed to a lot of my stress. The feeling of giving that much of myself to a company that couldn’t care less about me was hard to swallow every morning. That led me to meditate daily in order to bring peace within. Meditating brought to me so many downloads of transformational information and upgrades in my DNA. The results of the meditation are seen clearly in my personal and professional growth.

In effort to continuously find ways to cope, I began the practices that brought forth more positive and productive energy. Bath Rituals, Crystal Jewelry, Sage/Palo smoke, Manifestation candles and living an overall wellness lifestyle are all tools that have contributed to all that I am today. This is why these products are the ones I decided to offer to assist the healing of others.

In trying to find my way back to self and true love, I devoted myself to healing. Creative Expression is the path that my spirit relates to the most and that brings me the most peace. I began to create this brand based around the healing that had been helping me grow. Immediately, I began to see how helpful sharing my journey is to the lightworkers that I reach. The more that I heal the more individuals I connect with.

Divine Timing

The true intention of this post was to give a detailed update. That wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t spill the REAL TEA. Where’s a better place to make this announcement than here with my healing tribe?!?!

On this journey to connect to Divinity there has been a lot of beauty and a lot of pain. It has changed the way that I view life and love. Realizing the importance of building true love for self has caused such a shift in my life that I can’t express it all in one post.

Through all of this beauty that had been created around my life, I still found empty space. Being faced with not having enough time and space for all of these things that I am creating nor having the abundance of good energy that I need to create; I found myself living in limbo, in a sense. I remained dedicated to staying connected to divine self but finding myself always needing to recharge from 0% in order to do so. It finally hit me. SOMETHING ELSE HAS GOT TO CHANGE!

Without discussing all of the turbulence that has been my life over the last few years, I will just say that everything has happened in DIVINE TIMING. Spirit says, “It’s time to make big moves!”

Finally, I made the decision to quit my job and relaunch my business! YAYYY! I cannot believe that time has finally come. This manifestation has been brewing for years. //Pause for a praise break//

In October, I will be returning to the states as a certified Yoga Teacher & Herbalist. Fueled with a new sense of freedom and life, I have successfully taken the reigns to my own destiny. If you have read this far, I want to thank you for your contribution to creating my reality and to my future creation of community wellness. It’s only UP from here, y’all! In the last few months, Fenixx SiMone Digital has been undergoing renovations and upgrades. I can’t wait to share what is in store for the brand. With this new time and freedom for creating, EVERYTHING is possible. For those that have been waiting for me to get right, I appreciate your patience and continued support.

Let’s stay connected

I would love to hear from my readers in one way or another. Please join the FB group, follow me on IG, and leave comments below. Subscribe to the website for updates on what’s next. Again, thanks for riding with a Goddess.


2 comentários

Membro desconhecido
07 de out. de 2020

Thank you @Melissa. I do it because I love it!


Membro desconhecido
15 de set. de 2020

I just found your Facebook group and as the post says, Divine Timing is key. Thank you for the sacrifice of time and energy.

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